Together with our sister church, St Mary's Oxted, we completed a year-long process of planning and review from which emerged three priorities for our life together in the next few years.
Guided by our new mission statement, 'To know Christ', these priorities are:
Making Christ Known
We want to grow confident Christians in our churches and provide ways for all ages into active discipleship and ministry.
Growing Community
Both churches want to be 'centres' of community, outward-looking and accessible - and are ready to count the cost of becoming so....
Renewing our historic church fabric
We recognise the huge asset that our historic building is, but also agree that is design sometimes prevents us from meeting contemporary needs.
St Peter's is engaged in a building project to update the church building to ensure it meets the needs of our growing community. We have a separated (but linked) heritage group which is working on plans and fund raising to make this possible.
If you would like to know more about this project - or to enquire about becoming involved in our PCC - please contact the Vicar or the parish office.